les oiseaux

White Pelican - Habitat, Distribution and Conservation Status

The Habitat and repartition of White Pelican

The White Pelican is a fascinating bird that can be found in various habitats throughout North America, Central America, and South America. This bird's natural habitat also extends to Europe, Asia, and Africa. 

- The White Pelican is typically found in coastal areas, lagoons, estuaries, and mangroves. They can also be observed in freshwater lakes, reservoirs, and rivers. What is common to all these habitats is that they offer an abundance of food for the White Pelican, which primarily feeds on fish. 

- In North America, you can find the White Pelican along the coasts of the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean, and the Pacific Ocean. In Central America and South America, the White Pelican is present along the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, as well as in the inland lakes and rivers. 

- In Europe, the White Pelican has been successfully reintroduced in several countries, including France, Spain, Germany, and Austria. In Asia, you can find the White Pelican in the coastal areas of the Middle East and India, as well as in the rivers and lakes of Kazakhstan and Mongolia. In Africa, the White Pelican is present on the coasts of the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean.
- This species is a migratory bird, and the populations in the northern hemisphere typically migrate south in the winter. The populations in the southern hemisphere also migrate, but in the opposite direction, north in the summer.
- Unfortunately, the White Pelican is threatened by habitat loss, pollution, and overfishing. Conservation efforts are underway to protect this iconic species, including the creation of nature reserves and raising public awareness about the importance of conserving coastal habitats. 

In conclusion,

the White Pelican is a fascinating bird that can be found in many different habitats around the world. It is important to protect its natural habitat to ensure its survival and preserve the biodiversity of our planet.

The physical and behavioral characteristics of the white pelican

The Withe Pelican (Pelecanus onocrotalus)
white pelican standing and looking

A large seabird, the species belongs to the family Pelecanidae. This family includes 8 different species, including the American pelican, brown, gray, curly, spectacled, spotted beak. These birds are among the largest birds capable of flight.


The bird has white plumage apart from some black wing feathers. Its legs are pink with long, powerful toes. We distinguish between the fingers a thin membrane acting as a palm, indeed, it is thanks to this membrane that the bird moves with ease on the water. But what characterizes this animal is this remarkable pocket of yellowish skin under the beak. This precious pocket can hold approximately thirteen liters, the bird can store up to 4 kg of fish. The female looks a lot like the male, only visible difference is the presence of a crest behind the male's head.


Height: 160 cm
Wingspan: 105 to 305 cm
Weight: between 195 and 235 g
Longevity: 15 to 25 years

Nesting and reproduction 

Nesting period: seasonal temperate regions, annual tropical countries

Number of broods: 1
Number of eggs: 1 to 6 eggs of 120 to 180 g, light blue or yellowish white
Hatching duration: 30 to 35 days 
1st flight: 65-70 days


White pelicans adopt a rare behavior among birds, it is mainly during hunting periods that we can observe this phenomenon, they gather in small groups to form a semi-circle at the surface of the water, the birds advance simultaneously to push the fish in front of them towards the shallow waters of the bank. They thus spread their wings and simultaneously plunge their large beaks into the water in order to capture the small fish thus trapped. Another singular attitude of these majestic birds consists in forming two parallel rows in order to trap the fish present in the river, the two lines swim towards each other inevitably gathering the prey in a compact school, all that remains is to fill their gaps. appetites.


The nest of pelicans is built mainly on a pile of reeds or sandbanks near stretches of water. It is the female who chooses the ideal location for her future offspring. The nest resembles a roughly erected bowl, lined with very little material. In the event that the female decides to nest in a tree, the arboreal nest will be much more elaborate, it consists of a thick base of twigs, sometimes filled with straw or aquatic grass.

The white pelican nests in a colony, both sexes participate mutually in brooding, which lasts on average 1 month. The female usually lays two eggs, however it happens that the hatched can reach 6 yellowish-white eggs. At birth, juveniles are devoid of down, which will appear after a week. It is only three weeks later that feathers and tail will appear.

Now depending on the type of nesting chosen, the young leave the nest to join a large common nursery that can bring together a hundred young pelicans. This nursery is essential, it ensures the safety of young specimens, however the parents will continue to take care of feeding their offspring. After 80 days, young people will finally be independent and autonomous.

Conservation Status of White Pelican

We will discuss the conservation status of the White Pelican and the efforts being made to protect them. 

The White Pelican is listed as a species of "Least Concern" by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), which means that they are not currently considered to be at high risk of extinction. However, this does not mean that they are completely safe from threats. 

One of the main threats to the White Pelican is habitat loss. As wetlands and other aquatic habitats are destroyed or degraded, the White Pelican's food sources and breeding sites are also impacted. Additionally, pollution and climate change are also contributing to the decline of these birds. 

To protect the White Pelican
, conservation efforts are focused on preserving their habitat and reducing the impact of pollution and climate change. Wetland restoration projects, for example, are critical for providing the birds with suitable breeding and feeding grounds. Additionally, regulations and restrictions on pollution and development can help limit the damage done to these vital ecosystems. 

Another important conservation effort
is monitoring and research. By tracking the population of White Pelicans and studying their behavior and habitat needs, scientists can develop effective conservation strategies. This can include identifying and protecting key breeding sites and migration routes, as well as developing measures to mitigate the impact of human activities on the birds and their habitats. 

, education and outreach are also critical for the conservation of the White Pelican. By raising awareness of the importance of wetlands and the role that the White Pelican plays in these ecosystems, we can inspire people to take action to protect these majestic birds. Additionally, supporting conservation organizations and initiatives can provide essential funding and resources for conservation efforts. 

In conclusion,

while the White Pelican is currently listed as a species of "Least Concern," they still face significant threats to their survival. By focusing on habitat preservation, pollution reduction, research and monitoring, and education and outreach, we can help protect these magnificent birds and ensure that they continue to thrive for generations to come.

How to Protect White Pelicans

We will discuss some ways in which we can protect white pelicans and ensure their survival for future generations to enjoy.
Firstly, it is important to understand the habitat and behavior of the white pelican. These birds can be found in wetlands, rivers, and coastal areas, and they are highly dependent on these habitats for their survival. Therefore, it is essential to protect and conserve these habitats to ensure the survival of white pelicans. 

One of the biggest threats to white pelicans is pollution. Contaminated water and soil can lead to the death of fish, which is the primary food source for these birds. Therefore, it is important to reduce pollution by properly disposing of hazardous waste and chemicals, and by reducing the use of pesticides and fertilizers that can end up in waterways. 

Another important step in protecting white pelicans is to reduce the amount of fishing that takes place in their habitat. Overfishing can deplete the fish populations that white pelicans rely on, leading to starvation and death. By regulating fishing practices and enforcing fishing limits, we can ensure that fish populations are healthy and sustainable for both humans and pelicans. 

Conservation efforts can also include creating protected areas for white pelicans and their habitats. National parks, wildlife refuges, and other protected areas can provide a safe haven for these birds to breed and raise their young without interference from human activities. 

Finally, education and awareness can play a crucial role in protecting white pelicans. By spreading awareness about the importance of these birds and their habitat, we can encourage people to take action to protect them. This can include volunteering with conservation organizations, supporting policies that protect wetlands and other important habitats, and reducing our own environmental impact through sustainable living practices. 

In conclusion,

the survival of white pelicans is dependent on the actions we take to protect their habitat and reduce the threats that they face. By reducing pollution, regulating fishing practices, creating protected areas, and raising awareness about their importance, we can ensure that these majestic birds continue to thrive for generations to come.

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