les oiseaux

Attracting Garden Birds: Tips and Tricks for a Bird-Friendly Backyard

The different species of garden birds

Garden birds are a beloved and essential part of our natural world. These feathered friends add color, movement, and song to our outdoor spaces, while also playing important roles in local ecosystems. There are many different species of garden birds, each with their own unique habits, behaviors, and appearances. From the tiny hummingbird to the majestic bald eagle, garden birds come in all shapes and sizes, and offer a fascinating glimpse into the diversity of our natural world. 
In this article, we'll explore the different species of garden birds you may encounter in your backyard or local park. We'll cover everything from common songbirds to raptors, waterfowl, and more. Whether you're an experienced birdwatcher or simply enjoy admiring the beauty of these winged creatures, we hope to offer insights and inspiration for your next birding adventure. So grab your binoculars and let's dive in!

Here are the 10 species of birds found in our gardens

The swallow belongs to the Hirundinidae family. Small migratory bird that spends the warm winter mainly in Africa. It is found in gardens on sunny days, swallows often installing their nests near homes, preferring barns and stables to surrounding trees. Spring is synonymous with reproduction, an important time for this bird, because it will have to wait patiently for the little swallows to be autonomous in order to make their first migration. Read more »

European Golfinch
European Goldfinch

A small species of passerine bird belonging to the Finch family. It sports magnificent colors, but reveals a rather fierce character, especially during the nesting season. Bird that prefers to perch in the tops of trees, making it difficult to observe. We do not see it, but we hear it, indeed during the courtship, the European goldfinch becomes particularly aggressive towards its rivals, it is precisely during these games that we distinguish their guttural cries so typical. Read more »

European Starling
European Starling

The European Starling is a member of the Starling family. A very friendly bird, the starling generally lives in groups of several hundred or even thousands of individuals. This species does not hesitate to introduce itself in numbers in the gardens. Renowned for its vocal abilities, it can imitate the vocalizations of other bird species with disconcerting precision. However, starlings can quickly become invasive and cause serious problems. Read more »


Chickadees belong to the Paridae family. Hyperactive little birds with beautiful colors. The male and the female are similar, so it is difficult to tell them apart at first glance. Chickadees mainly nest in holes in trees. Now some people have perches in their gardens, like this very sociable bird, he will gladly frequent them. However, there are several varieties of tits, follow the link and access the different types of tits »

House Sparrow
House sparrow

The common or house sparrow belongs to the Passeridae family. A stocky little bird, it is certainly the most common species in town. Females are differentiated from males by less bright colors. Essentially seed-eating, it feeds mainly on seeds, not hesitating to come and eat on the window sill, opportunistic bird, nothing scares it, it also consumes invertebrates, insects, we frequently witness disputes between dozens of individuals for piece of bread. Read more »


The chaffinch, passerine of the finch family. A partially migratory species, we find finches in town and countryside, there are three species of finches, but the most widespread is the chaffinch. This small bird feeds on small invertebrates and their larvae, but it does not refuse to attack the seeds left on the ground that have fallen from feeders. Very sociable bird outside the breeding season.


The robin, a kind of passerine bird belonging to the Muscicapidae family. It generally feeds in the vast countryside and the undergrowth. Its diet consists mainly of invertebrates living on the ground, but also of insects, in particular beetles which it is very fond of. Its hunting technique is well adapted to the vegetation present in the gardens. Not shy by nature, its magnificent plumage has made it famous among gardeners.


The blackbird is a member of the turdidae family. There are several subspecies of Merle, some are sedentary and others migratory, singularity of this species. It is easy to differentiate the male from a female, indeed this one has a brown beak, the male as for him, sports a magnificent orange-yellow beak. Bird very present in town and countryside. Blackbirds are omnivores. Their diets consist of various species of insects and worms. However, they sometimes eat fruits, and even seeds. Learn more about the blackbird »


There are several varieties of thrush, however all of them belong to the Turdidaene family. Small friendly bird with spotted plumage, unfortunately it was hunted during the 19th century for many years. Nowadays, these practices have almost completely ceased, in fact, it is again very present in our gardens. Read more »

Domestic Dove
Domestic dove

The dove is part of the large columbid family. There is also a wild variety, the African Laughing Dove. Now the one we meet in cities and gardens is a domestic species which is much bigger than the wild one, it also has a shorter tail. A very popular bird, especially its song, the cooing of doves is known to all. Read more »

Why Attracting Garden Birds is Important for Your Backyard Ecosystem

Attracting garden birds to your backyard is more than just a fun hobby – it's an important part of maintaining a healthy backyard ecosystem. Birds play a critical role in pollinating plants, controlling insect populations, and spreading seeds, making them valuable members of your backyard community. 

One of the most important roles that garden birds play is pollination. Many species of birds, such as hummingbirds and orioles, are attracted to flowers and feed on nectar. As they feed, they transfer pollen from flower to flower, helping to fertilize plants and ensure their continued growth and reproduction.

In addition to pollination, garden birds also help to control insect populations in your backyard. Many bird species, such as bluebirds and chickadees, feed on insects and larvae, keeping pest populations in check and reducing the need for chemical pesticides. 

Birds also play a crucial role in seed dispersal, helping to spread the seeds of plants throughout your backyard and beyond. As birds eat fruits and berries, they swallow the seeds, which are then dispersed through their droppings. This helps to ensure that plants are distributed evenly throughout your backyard, creating a diverse and healthy ecosystem.

Furthermore, garden birds are a vital part of the food chain in your backyard ecosystem. They are prey for larger predators, such as hawks and owls, which help to keep the balance of nature in check. By attracting a diverse range of bird species to your backyard, you can help to create a healthy and balanced ecosystem that supports a variety of plant and
animal life. 

Finally, attracting garden birds to your backyard can also be a source of joy and relaxation. Watching birds flit around your backyard, singing and chirping, can be a calming and enjoyable experience that helps you connect with nature.

In order to attract garden birds to your backyard, it's important to create a welcoming habitat that provides food, water, shelter, and nesting sites. Planting native flowers and shrubs, providing bird feeders and birdbaths, and installing nesting boxes are all great ways to attract birds to your backyard and support a healthy ecosystem. 

In conclusion,

attracting garden birds to your backyard is not only enjoyable, but it also plays an important role in maintaining a healthy ecosystem. By providing the right habitat and resources, you can attract a diverse range of bird species to your backyard and help to create a balanced and thriving ecosystem.

Creating the Perfect Habitat for Garden Birds

If you're interested in attracting garden birds to your backyard, creating the perfect habitat is key. Garden birds need shelter, nesting sites, and a reliable source of food and water to thrive. With a little effort, you can turn your backyard into a bird-friendly haven that will attract a wide variety of species. 

1 - Choose the Right Plants 

The right plants are essential for attracting garden birds. Choose native plants that provide food and shelter, such as fruiting shrubs, evergreens, and trees with dense foliage. You can also plant flowers that provide nectar for hummingbirds and other nectar-loving birds. 

2- Provide Shelter 

Garden birds need shelter to protect them from predators and harsh weather conditions. You can provide shelter by planting dense shrubs and trees, building nesting boxes or birdhouses, and leaving piles of brush or leaves in quiet corners of your yard. 

3- Offer a Variety of Food 

Different species of garden birds have different feeding preferences. Some birds prefer seeds, while others prefer insects or fruit. You can attract a wider variety of birds by offering a range of foods, such as sunflower seeds, suet, mealworms, and fruit. 

4- Provide Water 

Water is essential for birds to drink and bathe in. You can provide water by setting up a bird bath or a shallow dish of water. Be sure to change the water frequently to prevent the spread of disease. 

5- Avoid Chemicals 

Chemicals such as pesticides and herbicides can be harmful to garden birds. Instead, try to control pests and weeds using natural methods such as hand weeding, crop rotation, and companion planting. 

6- Keep Cats Indoors 

Cats are natural predators of birds, and allowing them to roam outside can put garden birds at risk. Keep your cats indoors or in a secure outdoor enclosure to protect the birds in your backyard. 

Creating the perfect habitat for garden birds takes time and effort, but the rewards are well worth it. By providing food, shelter, and water, you'll attract a wide variety of species to your backyard, and you'll be doing your part to support local bird populations. So get out there and start creating your bird-friendly backyard today!

Choosing the Right Bird Feeders and Food for Your Backyard Birds

If you want to attract birds to your backyard, one of the most important things you can do is choose the right bird feeders and food. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. Here are some tips to help you choose the right bird feeders and food for your backyard birds.
- Consider the Type of Birds You Want to Attract 

Different types of birds prefer different types of food and feeders. For example, some birds like to eat from platform feeders, while others prefer hanging feeders. Similarly, some birds like to eat seeds, while others prefer nectar or suet. Research the types of birds that are common in your area and choose feeders and food that are appropriate for those species. 

- Choose High-Quality Bird Feeders 

Investing in high-quality bird feeders is important because it ensures that the feeders will last and provide a safe and secure feeding environment for your backyard birds. Look for feeders that are made from durable materials like metal or sturdy plastic, and that are easy to clean and maintain.
- Provide Fresh Water 

In addition to food, birds need access to fresh water. You can provide water by setting up a bird bath or fountain in your backyard. Make sure to change the water frequently to keep it clean and prevent the spread of disease. 

- Choose High-Quality Bird Food 

Just like with bird feeders, it's important to choose high-quality bird food. Look for food that is free from preservatives and additives, and that is formulated specifically for the types of birds you want to attract. For example, if you want to attract finches, choose a finch-specific seed mix. 

- Keep Feeders Clean 

Regularly cleaning your bird feeders is important for maintaining the health of your backyard birds. Dirty feeders can harbor bacteria and mold that can make birds sick. Clean feeders at least once a month, or more frequently if they become visibly dirty. 
By choosing the right bird feeders and food, you can attract a variety of beautiful birds to your backyard. With a little research and some careful consideration, you can create a bird-friendly environment that will provide hours of enjoyment and entertainment for you and your family.

Tips for Observing and Photographing Garden Birds

Birdwatching is a wonderful pastime that allows you to enjoy the beauty and grace of birds in their natural habitat. Observing and photographing garden birds can be a particularly enjoyable activity, as these birds are often familiar and easy to spot in your own backyard. If you're new to birdwatching or looking to improve your skills, here are some tips for observing and photographing garden birds.
Be Patient and Quiet

Observing garden birds requires patience and a willingness to sit still and wait for them to come to you. Avoid sudden movements or loud noises that might startle the birds, and take the time to observe their behavior and movements. 

Use Binoculars

Binoculars are an essential tool for birdwatching. They allow you to get a closer look at the birds without disturbing them, and can help you identify different species based on their distinctive markings and behaviors. Invest in a good pair of binoculars and take the time to practice using them before you start birdwatching. 

Choose the Right Time of Day

The best time to observe garden birds is early in the morning or late in the afternoon, when the birds are most active. Avoid midday when the birds are more likely to be hiding from the heat of the sun. 

Create a Bird-Friendly Habitat

To attract garden birds to your backyard, create a bird-friendly habitat by providing food, water, and shelter. Plant native trees and shrubs that provide food and cover for the birds, and set up bird feeders and bird baths to provide them with water and sustenance. 

Use a Tripod

If you're interested in photographing garden birds, a tripod can help you stabilize your camera and capture sharp, clear images. Look for a lightweight and sturdy tripod that can be easily adjusted to different angles and heights. 

Learn About Bird Behavior

To improve your ability to observe and photograph garden birds, learn about their behavior and habits. Research different species and their distinctive behaviors, such as feeding patterns and flight patterns, and use this knowledge to anticipate their movements and capture great shots. 
Observing and photographing garden birds can be a rewarding and enjoyable hobby that allows you to connect with nature and appreciate the beauty of these magnificent creatures. By following these tips, you can improve your skills and enhance your enjoyment of birdwatching. So grab your binoculars and camera and start exploring the wonderful world of garden birds!

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